For over 20 years, Michelle has been helping the Austin community improve the quality of their lives. As a healer, she is nurturing, compassionate, knowledgeable and direct. Michelle uses a comprehensive and individualized approach with each of her clients emphasizing the restorative properties of good nutrition and the power of a positive lifestyle.

Michelle has a Bachelor's Degree in Psychology and a Master's Degree in Oriental Medicine. Her post graduate studies include herbal medicine, functional medicine, nutrition, fitness, yoga, energy healing, meditation, massage and other bodywork. Michelle is a mother of two and a lover of music and nature.

Regular acupuncture treatments, herbal medicines and proper nutrition provide a strong foundation for health and wellness. They can reduce pain, improve digestion, boost immunity, promote circulation, enhance quality sleep and balance emotional health.

Michelle's clinical practice has evolved with her over time. Today, her passions lie in a functional approach to chronic health problems with a focus on stress management and mental well-being. Michelle runs an intimate practice in which she maintains long term clients, knows her clients well and remains in the treatment room during each session.